What's In All of This For Al Gore?
This last month Al Gore was on CBS' "60 Minutes". He said some really outrageous things. He said that he plans to spend $300 million bucks on a new ad campaign to get people the world over to fight global warming. I have already seen some of those ads. There is one with Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gingrich, and one with Al Sharpton and Pat Robertson, geared to say that we can solve the problem of global warming if we work together. Clash of the Titans. Boy, that should get some attention.
This last month Al Gore was on CBS' "60 Minutes". He said some really outrageous things. He said that he plans to spend $300 million bucks on a new ad campaign to get people the world over to fight global warming. I have already seen some of those ads. There is one with Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gingrich, and one with Al Sharpton and Pat Robertson, geared to say that we can solve the problem of global warming if we work together. Clash of the Titans. Boy, that should get some attention.
I saw an interview with Ted Turner last month too, as much as I could stand anyway. He warned in one of his typical rants about the things he is passionate about, that in forty years time we will have an eight to ten degree temperature increase resulting in a twenty foot sea level rise, wiping out the earth's food supply and causing people to go cannibalistic.
Al Gore, on that same 60 minutes episode, said that hardly anyone would question his climate change evidence and that the minute amount of folks who would are akin to the kind of people who thought the earth was flat. Thank Al. Thanks loads. The truth is, this consensus of the world's reputable scientists that Al Gore consistently refers to in different ways, is fictional. The fact of the matter is that those critical of the idea of manmade catastrophic global warming include a ton of topic-qualified scientists the world over. The founder of the Weather Channel, John Coleman, even says that lawsuits may be necessary to stop Al Gore and "expose that fraud of global warming." Al Gore and Ted Turner would have the world believe that not only does global warming exist, but that we are in for big trouble because of it.
A: The earth is always either cooling or warming. This is part of a natural cycle.
B: The ocean temperatures have not changed one degree.
C: 97% of the CO2 released in the world comes from the oceans.
D: Vegetation decay and other natural sources of CO2 amount to about 2%.
E: That leaves 1% and humans don't even account for that 1%.
F: If CO2 levels doubled in the next year, we could probably do away with the world's food shortage problems. No one would go hungry.
Because of all of the hype about global warming, a lot of people tend to think of CO2 in the same way they think of carbon monoxide (CO). Nothing could be farther from the truth. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas, while carbon dioxide is a set of two oxygen atoms covalently bonded to a single carbon atom. It's found in the air, but it is also found in water. The evidence suggests that an increase of CO2 actually follows a global warming trend. It doesn't precede one. That would fit right in with what has happened over the last several years. The sun is basically just a huge fusion generator that has natural cycles. Sometimes it gives off more heat than at other times. The latest studies show that the activity of the sun are starting to settle down from what they have been over the last several years, and that we may actually be in for a significant cooling trend. Australia had one of its coldest winters this past year.
Al Gore is making money off of this deal, and mandated restrictions on energy consumption in order to reduce global warming may be something that has an appearance of goodness, but in the end, will do more harm than good. Taxes on energy will rise. That will cause a domino affect that will hurt most everybody's pocketbook, but worse, will really hurt those people without any money, especially in the third world.
Oregon state is a good example of how these things can go wrong. Currently I believe Oregon is the only state in the union that requires large companies to purchase carbon "offsets" to make up for the CO2 they create while doing business. The trouble is, it looks like most of the money collected for that reason has just been wasted. Very little of it if any has gone toward what it was intended for. There appears to be no regulation governing those funds. That is just a good example of what is likely to be a continuing trend in this growing debacle, as Al Gore edges ever closer to securing a tax law to collect money from every nation the world over to help fund the fight against a fantasy.
I am all for the wise use of resources, but this is just tragic. Al Gore knows that some of the stuff in his movie is bogus but he just keeps talking it up, and while he made a bad movie using outright falsehoods and junk science to prove that anthropogenic causes are the trigger for this approaching catastrophe, people the world over are falling all over themselves to go green in order to stop something that isn't coming. Oh wait..... I take that back. There will be a time in the future when the earth gets heated up.
Rev 16:8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. 9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.
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