Sunday, April 04, 2010

Had a wonderful day today. It was a day to recharge, physically and spiritually. I absolutely love our church family. I love our pastors. I love our fellow worshipers. I have been away from church for a while and it seems like forever. I have had to work Every Sunday since the last Sunday in February.

I can count on my church family because they count on Jesus. I know that when I walk into the service that we are in every way encouraged to share in worship in corporate and in personal ways. I know that the Bible will be opened up and that the Word will be taught and the gospel will be proclaimed. I never tire of hearing it. There were people there today who desired to have salvation. I don't know if they came there looking for it or if they were dragged there by friends, and then couldn't wait for the guy up front to stop talking so they could go out and get something to eat. I do know this though. They ended up having an appointment with the Lord, and what a cool day to get saved. I will likely have to work again next Sunday, but I will munch on this for quite awhile.

Glen, thanks for the call, and this is for you. He is risen.

1 comment:

Glen Alan Woods said...

He is risen, indeed! Glad to see you were refreshed yesterday. We will talk again toon.