Saturday, March 06, 2010

Of Deep Concern

Hi. It's been a while since I have posted. To those twos and twos of readers out there who are faithful about it--my apologies. I have been spending less time online for the last several months. When I have been writing online, most of those efforts have been put into communications and various debates with non-Christians and cult members. The exchanges have been cordial for the most part, and as to whether or not they have or will prove useful is up to the Almighty.

Things that surprise me about unbelievers most of the time, at least the ones that I deal with online are very few and far between. Oh, they're in the world like me, but they belong to it, and I belong to Jesus. I can't brag about me, but I can brag about Him. Thing is, most of them don't want to hear it. Some are seeking. I think about them. I have prayed about them all---those who appear to be seeking and those who don't, but there is something different about praying for unbelieving folks you are close to.

I have a friend, and he and I could not have grown up with more disparate family and spiritual backgrounds. I grew up in a family with a Christian mom and dad who were solid and dependable. He lost his mother early in life after a tragic home accident. My life was stable, while his was very strange. He was raised by a step-father whom all in my family believe to be his biological father. Long story. His "step-father" had a colorful background. He was an intellectual kind of guy with no clue about spiritual things who thought he had the answers for everything. He hated Jesus. If you are wondering why I would say that, it's because he had abominable things to say about Him. Expletive things. Despicable things. He knew I was a Christian, and he always treated myself and my wife very nicely. He demonstrated and outward patience with us and especially me, and a forgiving sense of generosity, but he made no bones about the fact that he couldn't stand our Savior.

My friend grew up in that household, and yet, he loved the household I grew up in. He loves me and my family, and most especially my mom. I think he admires her really. He trusts our family, but only to a degree. People are generally faithful to what they want. I am faithful to Jesus, because I want Him. Do I fail Him? Absolutely, because I'm weak, but I endeavor to please Him. My heart is soft toward Him. My friend is faithful to his varied wants. Of course I have always known this, but he has always demonstrated a waywardness that wanted for direction. In other words, he has been lost....but searching for something stable.

A few days ago, I happened to stumble onto his facebook page. To tell you the truth, I was saddened by what I saw there. I have always pretty much know that he was wilder in his life away from me and my family than he would ever pretend. He's an actor, and for that matter, he is almost always "on". It is in those rare times with me when he lets his guard down that there are moments of clarity. I used to be able to see that he truly wanted what I have. I haven't seen him in person for about five years now, and I am ashamed after reading his facebook page to realize that I have not been praying regularly for him lately. That's over. You see, I believe that prayer changes things. So why haven't I been praying for him? Well, that is a failing on my part, for whatever the reason.

So what was so shocking about his facebook page? Nothing really. It was just disheartening to see him so opening announcing his affiliation with the world and the things the world embraces. They are things that he knows no one in my mother's household would ever approve of. They are things which are diametrically opposed to what he knows I believe as a Christian. It isn't that I can't deal with having people disagree with me. I've got great friends who disagree with me on things all the time. I have fun with the fact that they disagree with me. But those are Christian friends. The things we disagree about aren't things that matter a whole lot. I'm fine with that. What bothers me is that he is so opposed to the things that Jesus declares to be right and true.
How so? Okay, picture he and I as Richard Dawkins and Ravi Zacharias. I would like to say the differences in worldviews are not that extreme, but they are.

For several days now, I have been dealing with this. When I told my wife how disappointed I was she asked, "Are you really surprised by this? Look at the life he has lived." Knowing him as we do, I had to answer, "No, but I am hurting."

I have Christian friends who can say, "Hey, you've told him the truth. Lay your head on your pillow and sleep well tonight." While I won't lose sleep over this thing, I am just not built that way. This will dog me. I know that. It will dog my thoughts at some place most days, and it will drive me to pray. Hey---I pray for my Christian friends and they have Jesus and eternally worshiping Him to look forward to. So far, the best thing my friend has to look to is, well....the life he is living now---the things he wants now.

Is he more sinful than I am? Does that really matter? I have heard people say as I have said myself....Just a single sin on one's account will keep one out of heaven. Of course when I've said that I have been speaking about the perfection and purity of God compared with that of mankind, but it is not strictly speaking--sin--that keeps one out of heaven. It is a heart that is hardened toward God that keeps one from knowing Jesus, and therefore out of heaven. Sin is the compacting tool that hardens the heart toward God, and he is embracing a lifestyle, or has embraced a lifestyle that will only move him further away from a worldview that lends any willingness to encounter the goodness of God.

Have some time? Just a moment? Please pray for my friend and his wife. Their names are Donald and Yvonne.



Glen Alan Woods said...

Good to see you posting again. :) Keep em coming!

Anonymous said...

Okay slacker keep them blogs coming lol I been looking for weeks :)