Wednesday, January 28, 2009

More Restraint Needed

You know, I am not a conspiracy theorist. I'm just a working stiff, but I have been saying since 2006 in so many words that the anthropogenic global warming scare has been a tool for globalization. Now I have been joined in that opinion by respected meteorologists from all over the globe.

I only mention the above because what I am about to say will come off as sheer conspiracy theory to many, so if that puts you off go ahead and click the little X where it says, "Bread Crumbs" now.

About a week ago I wrote the following:
I don't know what sort of honeymoon President Obama will have now that he has taken the oath of office. He is awfully young, and the temptation to have a tendency to act decisively can be very compelling when further thought is needed. I appeal to all who read this to pray for wisdom and restraint for our new president."

I don't even want to talk about the "stimulus package" that is being pressed upon us, except to say that it is just a very large, ineffective and burdonsome tool that the Democratic Party seems to want to use to forward its own liberal social agenda.

I was prepared to wait and give President Obama a chance to demonstrate some of the restraint I had hoped he would. It has only been a week, and I can see that he is already making decisions at breakneck speed (for Washington D.C.) and they are going to have far-reaching affects on not only this nation, but the rest of the world.

In his first week
he has reauthorized taxpayer funding of abortions overseas. He said while campaigning that the first thing he would do would be to sign the Freedom Of Choice Act, and that may not be far behind.
He has placed a man whose ability to handle his own tax returns is questionable in charge of the Treasury Department. He has already touted (with some reservations) the "Saudi Peace Initiative". This is just wrong.

President Obama is so inclusive because of his own upbringing that he simply cannot see the forest for the trees. The Saudis do not want peace. They want control. Nothing they will offer will bring peace about. Their plan asks Israel to make enormous concessions that will only flood Israel with vast amounts of Arab citizens that will serve to weaken the nation on several fronts. This seems to be transparent to anyone but liberals. I hope he will reconsider his present opinion.

That he started with increasing abortions worldwide is no shocker to me. Sad but not surprising, because abortion rights has become one of the things that defines the Democratic Party. Only one Democrat from Nebraska voted against it. Ironically, there is a new ad being aired by that is very powerful. The camera shot pulls slowly toward the ultrasound image of an unborn fetus. As it moves in, the following words are added sentence by sentence;

"This child's future is a broken home. He will be abandoned by his father. His single mother will struggle to raise him. Despite the hardships he will endure this child will become the 1st African-American President."

The ad is flawless in my view, and the President's position, when he, by his own admission declares he does not know when life begins, is indefensible.

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