Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Richard Cizic Does Not Represent Me

Vice President for Governmental Affairs of the National Association of Evangelicals (and probably the NAE's chief lobbyist) does not represent me. I don't really care who put him into his position. He says he's of the opinion that people (translate; evangelicals who simply aren't as educated, informed and enlightened as he is) are going to vote Republican no matter what. Fine. Lot's of people think that way about evangelical Christians. Because the Republican party candidates are typically more conservative on moral issues, I'm sure there is some truth to his assumption.

In an article from Beliefnet's God-o-Meter, he stated that party line voting is unbiblical. It says you don't think. I would have to generally agree with that, but party line voting does not mean that one has not thought and considered the parties and what they represent, so there are differences in party line votes, depending on the reason. He also stated that, "If you're simply voting on same sex marriage and abortion, you're not thinking. What I'm saying is that a lot of evangelical don't think, sad to say." This statement made no doubt because he also said, "I am interested in broadening the agenda of concerns (for Evangelicals)."

Wow. Golly. Richard Cizik is so open-minded. Well I'm happy for him. I guess because Richard Cizik wants to broaden the agenda of Evangelical concerns, I guess I should let my reluctance to see the fabric of family and marriage be casually ripped apart and destroyed by the Democratic Party's most liberal candidate ever just slip on by. Because Richard Cizik want to broaden the agenda of Evangelical concerns, I should forget that Barack Obama's wretched voting record on the issue of abortion should be ignored, and I should forget that four-thousand, four-hundred innocent unborn babie's lives are being snuffed out almost every day in the United States.

How can someone who claims to represent the interests of Evangelical Christians think that either one of these matters is less significant in the light of paying attention to other political, domestic or foreign concerns? What concerns is he dwelling on? Health care? The economy? Jobs? How in the world does he think that the importance of the two issues of same sex marriage and abortion can be averaged out against other concerns? He must have been listening to Joe Biden.

When interviewed by Tom Brokaw, Biden stated. “I'm prepared as a matter of faith to accept that life begins at the moment of conception. But that is my judgment,” he said. “For me to impose that judgment on everyone else who is equally and maybe even more devout than I am seems to me is inappropriate in a pluralistic society.”

That my friends, is a classic political cop-out. That sort of stance is one without integrity. Al Gore was supposedly intensely opposed to abortion just six months before Bill Clinton tapped him as a running mate, and then he completely flip-flopped on the issue. This spineless approach to the issue, or the adamant adherence to being pro-choice is what one can expect from most members of the Democratic Party. It is simply a fact. Following a close second is the average Democrat's support, either outright or tacitly of same sex marriage.

So what haven't I thought about if I decide to vote with the party that is most generally opposed to murdering the unborn? What haven't I thought about if I decide to vote with the party that most generally is opposed to recognizing same sex marriage as something acceptable and normal, and approved of by God? What thought have I not put into the decision?

The world's banking system is falling apart at the seams. The United States economy is struggling in ways it never has before. For the sake of argument let's assume that Barrack Osama has all the answers to that problem. Jesus said however, "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" Matthew 16:26

I won't give my soul away to keep money in my account Richard Cizic, or even to keep my house. Put that in your political pipe and smoke it. Your thinking does not represent mine.

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