I was asked to elaborate on part of yesterday's post. It has to do with Noah's flood, and why I believe it was global. The Bible says so. That's why I believe it. But I will elaborate nonetheless. When I made the statement, "God's creative genius and the global flood are the only scenarios which truly make any sense" it was somewhat vaguely worded, but let me explain what I was thinking about when I wrote it.
Take the way scientists view generally the planet Mars. Most astrophysicists today believe that Mars was at one time either completely covered by water, or that a good portion of the red planet's surface was. Fine, but Earth's surface has an average 2.5 mile deep covering of water over about 75% of its surface. Why is it that a global flood on Mars is believable with its dry, arid surface, and yet a planet with such a rich supply of water is a "No-no-no!" ?
However, if the biblical record of the flood is correct, and if the entire surface of the earth was covered for over a year, even the highest mountains of the day, the waters would have deposited vast layers of sediment full of potential fossils--dead stuff. Catastrophic results, wouldn't you say? A solid study and interpretation of the evidence supports a global, violent watery catastrophe. It points to the flood of Noah.
Only a rejection of what the Scriptures teach could lead someone to say that the rock formations of the earth and the fossil record supports an old earth. That is precisely the problem. Accepting what the Bible teaches us about creation would leave no room for Evolution, and one would have to accept the fact that God is, and that we are answerable to Him. The language He inspired is way too clear for anyone to honestly believe that the accounts of Genesis 6 through 9 refers to anything but a global flood.
God's creation order is completely opposed to that of Evolution. There are many believers who think that if they can accept the six days of creation as long periods of time that we can have peace between the Bible and theories like the "big bang" and an earth that is billions of years old. That makes sense, if you aren't paying attention to the order of creation events in the Genesis record, and if you don't pay attention to what Evolution says took place.
The day/age view is a shared concept of both "progressive creationism" and "theistic evolution", but there are some serious problems with those worldviews. Evolution says that the sun was created before the earth was. Genesis tells us that the earth was created, and then the sun. Evolution tells us that the dry land came first and then the sea. Genesis teaches the opposite. Evolution, our atmosphere first and then the sea. Genesis teaches us that the sea was created before our atmosphere was. Evolution holds that the sun and the stars were created before earth. The word of the Lord says that there was light bathing the earth before the sun was created, and that the stars came after the earth.
The list of comparisons is quite long, but I think you get the picture. What does it matter? There are two major contradictions. The first one is scientific. Evolution says that to date, there has never been a global ocean on this planet. The Bible says that the earth was completely covered with water--twice. There were the first two days of creation, and then about 1,600 years later after eight people boarded the Ark. The second, and for me, the biggest contradiction, which is spiritual in nature, is that Evolution teaches that death entered into God's creation before man did. There is a tremendous problem with that for the Christian. The Bible teaches us that sin entered into the picture through Adam, and because we inherited that sin nature, we all do it. I have never met a sinless person yet. We need a Savior because of that.
The Evolution theory would subvert the gospel. It denies every important doctrine within the Scriptures. It calls our Creator a liar and it diminishes our need for Him. That just can't happen. Not because I don't want it to, but because unless one's conscience is just about dead, one knows that there is right and wrong, and I have heard enough atheists say that at one time or another that their conscience convicts them of what they have done wrong. God, through His Son Jesus Christ, is the only one who can restore men and women to righteousness. Evolution says that there is no God, and that when we die, we die. We therefore have no need for anyone to restore us to anything. It is pointless.
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