Monday, February 11, 2008

The High View

I wonder how many times I have blasphemed the Lord? It has to be more than I know or can even comprehend. I am sorry for that, and I would like to avoid it in the future, because I love Him. Someone might be asking, "Well, if you love Him like you say that you do, how could you blaspheme?"

That's a good question. I'm not a legalistic believer, but the Laws of God are still there, and I'm a criminal, a lawbreaker, because I have have broken His laws. He doesn't see me that way because of the Cross, but I am still someone who has, and who will again, despite the way it grieves me, break His laws.

Blaspheming the Lord is pretty serious though, isn't it? Yes, it's heinous. It is ungodly and awful, but we are all guilty of having done it. Again, someone reading this might be saying, "No way! I have never done that." Blaspheming though, is an insidious skill, even for those who don't know they possess it.

When Jesus was led to the Cross, there were two criminals who were led there with Him. At one point, one of these men blasphemed Jesus. He said, "If you are the Christ, save Yourself and us." He blasphemed. He paid little reverence to the one true God. He was speaking to, and of God, in a low and disrespectful way. I wonder how many times I have done that, even unintentionally.

Any time one speaks of God in a low way, or a in a way that does not give Him the reverence and respect He is due, one blasphemes. I hear it nearly every day. O-M-G. I even hear that from the mouthes of really very nice, godly Christian friends. I hear people describing almost daily who God is or isn't, what He will or will not do, in ways that are completely inconsistent with the God of the Bible. To do this is not only blasphemous, but it is idolatrous, in that when one does such a thing, one is creating a God of their one's making, and with whom one is comfortable.

I'm sure that I've done this. I've spoken of, and even for God when I had no right to. It doesn't matter that I live in America, and that I have the right to freedom of speech. It does matter though, that no one has any right to speak of the infinitely holy and good God in any way that doesn't glorify Him. One may have the choice to do so, but no one has the "right" to.

We need to remember not to use His name in a casual way, or to insist that God fulfills our will, as that just drags His name through the mud.

"For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's." 1st Corinthians 6:20

"5 Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, 6 that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 15:5-6

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